Dvůr Králové nad Labem 2021

Competition 2021, 1st prize
Authors: Rudolf Grimm, Martina Grimmová,
coopertion: Filip Vlach, Alexandra Krejci
visualization: Jan Zeman

Project 2022-2023

There has been a factory here for more than half a century. There will be a Cultural Center now. The central theme of the proposal is the Courtyard. This is the focus space of the site, creating a clear, public space with a human scale.
The courtyard rhythmically flows along the facades of the proposed Cultural cetre building to the City library – Slavoj, where a bosquet of trees provide shade and invites you to relax and read. The daily rhythm of life in the center evokes the relationship between the buildings and the courtyard. The space passes from the inside out and vice versa. Live extends to the rooftops. The chosen urban and architectural concept offers the observer more views.